This is for the Lafayette ladies because I told them I'd go get some deals today and I did. I'll come back later and post the numbers when Hadley is sleeping and I can think long enough to do math! But, here's the haul:

Let me preface this by saying I HATE mustard and it will all be going to a food pantry. I only bought it because it was free. But when I got there, not only was I getting it for free, at the end of each transaction, I got a $1 off your next order coupon as well! So, I made $4 from buying Mustard! I will be freezing all the butter to use as needed. Meijer doubles coupons up to .50, but only 2 of the same coupon will double in one transaction, so I did 4 transactions in order to get all my doubles. Here's the run down:
Paper Towel: $2.69 - $2 coupon = $.69
Chocolate Chips: $2.96 (on sale for $1.88) - $.75 coupon = $1.13
Blistex: $1.58 - $.35 coupon (doubles to .70) = $.88
Mustard: $2.78 (on sale for $1.00) - $.50 coupon(doubles to $1.00) = $0!!!
Butter: $2.44 (on sale for $1.33) - $.75 off 2 coupon = $.95
Pasta: $1.29 - $1 coupon = $.29
Dole: $1.00 - $.55 off 2 coupon = $.72
Campbells: $1.00 - $1.00 off 4 coupon and 2 $1.00 of 2 coupons = .25 a can
Before coupons and sales my total would have been: $105.36
I spent: $29.06
TOTAL SAVINGS OF: $76.30 or 72%