In other news, we had 2 firsts today for Hadley. It was the first time she'd seen a train and it was her first car wash. We got stopped at the tracks on our way to church this morning, and Bryan rolled down the window so she could hear the whistle, and boy did that get her attention. Then as it went by, she waved the whole time. It was really cute. Then we went to the car wash on the way home from church, and I was afraid it would scare her. But she didn't mind. She just looked around at the lights and water and was just fine with it. No waving this time, though...hehe.
I hope everyone's new year got off to a good start, and those of you teachers are getting back into the swing of things. Luckily, here nothing much changes from day to day. Just the same old routine, but that works for us!
Nice wheels, Emily! :) Do you feel old now? haha! Enjoy your time at home...I'm deinitely jealous! :)