1st up are my tomato plants. These aren't the ones I had as seedlings. (those died an untimely death a few weeks ago. These I got from a guy at church who was giving them away for free last weeken!) I'm going to make my own tomato sauce to freeze. Also some diced tomatoes for chilli and cooking. Yum!
This is a pepper plant. I have been eating red and yellow bell peppers right and left and thought it was about time to grow my own!
These are my carrots. I'm having a hard time getting excited about them because I can't actually see their progress. All I can see are the tops!
These are the green beans. They are starting to flower, so we should have beans any day now!
And lastly this is the corn. I wasn't planning on doing corn, that was Bryan's idea. But now they are my fastest growing plant and I'm really looking forward to eating some corn in the fall.
While I was out there I also took some pics of Hadley just because!
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