Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Cute things Hadley did today

We have a pink little broom and dustpan. Whenever there are crumbs on the high chair or anything else I'd like to sweep up real quick, I grab use our pink broom and dust pan. Yesterday Hadley saw some crumbs on the floor and started to wipe them up with a towel. I told that wouldn't work so well and we should use the pink broom. So we got it down and cleaned up the crumbs. She then proceeded to walk around the house cleaning things for a while. Later in the day, she saw herself in the mirror after having eaten a chocolate graham cracker and she had crumbs all over her mouth. So she picked up the discarded pink broom and tried to brush it off her face. Gross, but very resourceful. Today she was outside playing in her play house when she noticed a puddle of water on the little table in there. So she runs inside and points to the pink broom and dust pan! I'm so impressed with how smart she is! I told her that this was the time to use a towel.
We have been playing outside so much with the warm weather upon us. She loves to play in her house and to swing. But we have a hard time being done with swinging. Today, we had a timer while we were swinging. I told her that when the timer beeped that meant we would do one more push and be done. 10 minutes later, the timer beeps and she says "one more" Then I explain to her that if she gets off the swing like a big girl and doesn't throw a fit that she can have a sticker. I started to unbuckle her and she began fussing a little big until I reminded her about the sticker. "sticker" she said. So we waved bye to the swing and then we came inside and got to put a sticker on our chart. She was very excited. And it was nice to not have a giant fit in them middle of the back yard and me have to fight to get her to come inside.
There was a little time left before nap, so I let her continue to play outside while I knitted. She decided she would push her baby in the swing. And she probably continued to do so for 30 minutes. I really didn't want to interupt the peacefulness, but it was nap time. I walked over to the swing and told her it was time for baby to take a nap. "is baby going to throw a fit, or is she going to be a big girl and get a sticker?" So she grabbed baby, waved bye to the swing and came inside. She went straight to where the stickers are. Then I handed her a sticker, and she put it in baby's hand. And baby "put" it on the sticker chart. Then she gave baby hugs and kisses for being such a good girl. Then we took off our shoes and went upstairs for a nap! It was the easiest transition to nap ever! I couldn't believe how well that went. And it was so adorable how she was so proud of her baby for not throwing a fit!
While she has been napping I have done a load of laundry, hung it out to dry on this beautiful day, started another load. Put dinner in the crock pot. Then I made my 2nd attempt at Peach Jell-O Hopefully this batch will be edible. Now I need to stuff diapers and then everything should be crossed off my list! The windows are open and I'm feeling very housewife-y today.
Maybe after nap we'll go for a walk!

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog posting.
    I've been meaning to send you a comment; unfortunately I no longer have access to blogging from work:-(
    I can read them; I just can't post them. Go figure.
    Anyway, keep up the great blog posting.
    It would be nice if more people in our family were as prolific with their thoughts.
    I have my own rants at: http://libertymypolitics.blogspot.com
    ...because everyone should agree with me!
    Uncle Joe
