Apple Butter is the opposite of me losing weight. But it is SOOOO good. And I decided to take a crack at making it myself this year. We went to an apple orchard over the weekend and stocked up on Cortland apples. We got 1/2 a bushel to be exact. Hadley and I spent yesterday peeling, but to be honest Hadley did most of the work. We used a counter top peeler and she got to crank it and watch the skin peel off in a long snake! I did not get any pictures of that. Then I put all my apples in the crock pot turned it on and went to bed. When I got up in the morning I woke to the smell of awesomeness! I made a fresh batch of biscuits and we had biscuits and applebutter for breakfast. (We did NOT overstuff ourselves on them, and I did NOT turn around and eat the leftovers for lunch)
Then to preserve all my hard work I bought some cute little half pint mason jars and I canned all that applebutter. It should last us a while and maybe I can give some as gifts. Next on the list is applesauce. I have quart jars for those and hopefully it will turn out as successfully as the applebutter did. YUM and Happy Fall :)
Yeah! A post just for me! :)